Fee is charged monthly for every student in cash but the parents may deposit the fee quarterly/half-yearly/yearly,in advance by cheque too. Parents can pay school Fee online also at the link
Fee and other duesare to be deposited at the school office at the time of admission.After that,the fee along with duly filled up Fee slip is tobe paid at the Punjab National Bank,S.D Educational institutions,jagadhari,on all working days by 15th of every month failing which alate fee fine of Rs. 25 shall be lived upto 25th of the month,After 25th upto the end of the month,no fee will be accepted.The fee aong with a late fee fine of Rs. must be deposited from 1st to 10th of the next month otherwise the name of the child is liable to struck off the school rolls. The child may be readmitted on payment of Rs.200/-(re-admission charges) at the discertionof the Principal.
Fee for the vacation month must be deposited in the preceding month.